SMARTKOOL Misting Fans
Our Smartkool Misting Fans are the perfect solution for your industrial cooling, dust or odour issues and to deter flying insects.
These are definitely one of our biggest sellers and we rely on them in our own workshop on Benson Road, Te Awamutu!
Misting fans are commonly used in warehouses, workshops, industrial manufacturing and large format commercial operations; as a cost effective, efficient method of cooling and keeping dust levels to a minimum.
Farming operations can also greatly benefit by installing misting fans; as the evaporative cooling technique will increase the comfort of the herd during milking by keeping the herd cool as well as keeping the flies at bay.
How do they work?
Ultra fine water droplets via the misting nozzles are introduced into the atmosphere, then they quickly absorb the energy present in the environment and boil off (evaporate). The energy (heat) that is used to produce this state change from liquid to gas is thereby eliminated from the atmosphere; hence the air is cooled by the process called evaporative cooling.
If you would like to talk to us about getting a Smartkool misting fan solution for your commercial or industrial business, please call us today!